Thursday 28 March 2013

JADWAL KEGIATAN Jumat Agung dan PASKAH Gereja Kristen Kalam Kudus Malang 28 - 29 Maret 2013

JADWAL KEGIATAN Jumat Agung dan PASKAH Gereja Kristen Kalam Kudus Malang 28 - 29 Maret 2013 :

1. DOA GETSEMANI: Kamis, 28 Maret 2013, pkl. 18.00 wib, di Jl. Arif Margono 18 Malang. Dilayani oleh Ev. Jemmy Waroka

2. KEBAKTIAN JUMAT AGUNG dan PERJAMUAN KUDUS: Jumat, 29 Maret 2013, pkl. 17.00 wib, di Jl. Arif Margono 18 Malang. Dilayani oleh Pdt. Gindo Manogi

3. KEBAKTIAN FAJAR: Minggu, 31 Maret 2013, pkl. 05.00 wib, di Jl. Arif Margono 18 Malang. Dilayani oleh Pdt. Tikijo Hardjowono

4. KEBAKTIAN UMUM II: Minggu, 31 Maret 2013, pkl. 08.00 wib, di Jl. Arif Margono 18 Malang. Dilayani oleh Pdt. Tikijo Hardjowono

5. PERAYAAN PASKAH: Minggu, 31 Maret 2013, pkl. 17.00 wib, di Jl. Arif Margono 18 Malang. Dilayani oleh Pdt. Titus Liem

But the triumph and the reward of His work never come to an end; for still, as the results of what He did unfold themselves age after age, as His words sink deeper into the minds of men, as His influence changes the face of the world, and as heaven fills with those whom He has redeemed, “He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied.”
-James Stalker

Lord Jesus, Thank you for dying on the cross and paying the price for our sins. We worship you.

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